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Arizona Attorney Jordan Willette Addresses Equine Liability Protections

Due to the unpredictable nature of a horse, many lawsuits are filed to recover for injuries related to or caused by horses. Over the past 30 years, states across the country have enacted equine activity liability protections out of necessity to combat lawsuits for horse-related accidents and injuries. The statutes are designed to give equine owners, agents of equine owners, professionals, landowners of equine facilities essential “limited liability” protections for horse-related accidents or injuries. However, they are not absolute and do have exceptions.

In this Litchfield Alert, Arizona attorney Jordan A. Willette addresses some common equine industry-specific issues that arise under Equine Activity Liability Acts. She discusses whether a state’s equine liability act will protect an equine owner, professional or property owner from liability during certain equine-related activities, and the potential liability exposures they may face. Jordan also identifies how these individuals can protect themselves and implement procedures to help minimize their liability exposure.

Jordan Willette is an avid horse owner and rider and former competitor in reining. She is a member of American Quarter Horse Association, Arizona Reining Horse Association and National Reining Horse Association, and volunteers her time as the fundraising chairman for Horses Help, a therapeutic riding organization for children with disabilities.

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