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Illinois Partner Presents “HR Essentials”

As part of his three-part seminar series for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Litchfield Cavo LLP partner Sean F. Darke is presenting, “HR Essentials | Employment Laws A-Z: Guiding Illinois Employers Through All of the New and Old Illinois Employment Laws,” on February 27, 2020.

During his seminar being held in Naperville, Illinois, Sean will discuss new employment laws as well as how to handle situations such as pre-employment requirements and the handling of difficult employees to avoid potential lawsuits.

Sean’s three-part series is being presented to Illinois Chamber members and explores various topics of Illinois employment law including, “Firing 101 – Decreasing the Risk of Litigation: How to Properly Document Before Termination,” “HR Essentials – Employment Laws A – Z: Guiding Illinois Employers Through All of the New and Old Illinois Employment Laws,” and “Illinois Employer’s Guide to Wage and Hour Issues.”

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to strengthening the state’s economy and providing a positive atmosphere for our job creators by representing the interests of many businesses of all sizes across the state of Illinois. To view their event calendar, click here.

Sean is a partner in Litchfield Cavo’s Chicago office and focuses his practice on defending businesses in complex employment and business litigation in federal and state courts. He also is a member of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce Business Advisory Committee. To learn more about Sean’s practice, please visit his web page.

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