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Illinois Partner Successfully Defends Trucking Client Against Vicarious Liability Claim

Chicago partner Nicholas J. Parolisi, Jr. recently appeared in trial court on behalf of our trucking company client that was sued under a vicarious liability theory for the driver’s alleged negligence.

In this case, Plaintiff asserted that our trucking company client was vicariously liable as the truck owner and lessor under logo or placard liability wherein companies/drivers are required to display an Illinois Commerce Commission license. Nick presented evidence that our client did not display an Illinois Commerce Commission license, nor was a license required as the driver was hauling waste which is subject to a license exemption.

The Cook County trial court found in our favor of our client that a truck lessor was not vicariously liable under logo or placard liability for the driver’s negligence as it did not hold, nor was required to hold an Illinois Commerce Commission license and awarded our motion to dismiss.

Nicholas Parolisi, Jr. has extensive experience defending clients in cases involving trucking and products liability, construction defect and premises liability as well as professional liability matters. In addition, Nick represents clients against claims involving professional liability, toxic tort and environmental remediation, and handles various types of litigated employment matters including claims for discrimination and wrongful discharge.

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