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Litchfield Cavo Co-Sponsors 2022 Legal Tea Talk Event

Litchfield Cavo LLP will co-sponsor the second annual DiversiTea Legal Tea Talk event, being hosted by DiversiTea Divas and co-hosted by the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Louisiana. The mentorship event will be held Saturday, October 8, at WB Collective in New Orleans, Louisiana.

During the event, legal industry professionals comprising judges and attorneys will be available to provide pre-law and law school students with real-life legal career information, while also offering feedback to their questions. Event topics will include what is expected in the daily life of an attorney, billable hour requirements and the different types of occupations available to those with law degrees. The event will also present two scholarships and two internship opportunities to student attendees.

DiversiTea Divas is a forum for women to network with and mentor the next generation of professionals. DiversiTea Legal is a division of DiversiTea Divas that provides a forum for women in the legal industry to support young women as they enter the workforce.

ACC is a global association that promotes the professional and business interests of in-house counsel through information, education, networking and advocacy.

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