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Litchfield Cavo Co-Sponsors CenterForce Women, Diversity & Law Summit

Litchfield Cavo LLP is a co-sponsor of CenterForce’s Women, Diversity & Law: Awareness Into Action Summit, being held at the Twelve Midtown Hotel in Atlanta on October 30, 2019.

Firm attorneys will join professionals from all aspects of the legal field for a day of seminars exploring how to create lasting change for women and minorities in the legal profession. Conference seminars will cover topics such as: advocating for yourself and others, the best techniques to deal with discrimination and unconscious bias, actionable ways to increase diversity in leadership roles, strategies to enhance your career and how to best utilize sponsors and mentors. This conference also provides networking and learning opportunities on topics including self-advocacy, unconscious bias, sponsorship, and succeeding in predominately male environments.

Litchfield Cavo partner Jennifer Marino will be in attendance, hosting the presentation “How To Be Successful In A Male-Dominated Environment,” which will discuss the challenges women face in the legal industry and provide solutions to gender-specific obstacles women may face in their legal careers.

To learn more about the CenterForce’s Women, Diversity & Law: Awareness Into Action Summit in Atlanta, please visit their event website.

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