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Litchfield Cavo Co-Sponsors Virtual 2020 PLUS Conference

Litchfield Cavo LLP is proud to support the 2020 PLUS Conference, appropriately titled “Navigating the New Normal.” This year’s event will be held as a virtual format on November 9-11, 2020. As their first-ever virtual conference, the PLUS virtual platform will be a new way professional liability specialists interact with the professional liability insurance industry.

The 2020 conference will address the obvious topics that are top of mind, including the new approach to doing business, how we now interact within the workplace and how to relate with others in the virtual workplace. This year’s topics also includes additional strategies for addressing other changes and challenges that lie ahead as we navigate this new normal.

The Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) is recognized as the primary source of professional liability educational programs and seminars. To learn more about PLUS, please visit their website.

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