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Litchfield Cavo Opens Las Vegas Office

On February 1, Litchfield Cavo established an office in Las Vegas, Nevada making it the Firm’s 19th office in the country.

The office will be managed by Griffith H. Hayes who has more than 31 years of experience handling a wide variety of insurance defense matters, the past 15 almost exclusively devoted to handling southern and northern Nevada based matters.

Marisa A. Pocci Carney joins Litchfield Cavo as a partner for this office and brings significant experience handling insurance coverage and insurance defense matters, including the defense of Nevada and Arizona construction defect matters, as well as litigation involving product liability.

Griff’s and Marisa’s combined experience, along with the attorneys present in Litchfield Cavo’s Indiana, St. Louis, Atlanta and Rhode Island offices that opened in 2016, will enable the Firm to further provide extensive defense for our national clients base in jurisdictions across the country.

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