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New York Attorneys Secure Dismissal in Asbestos/Toxic Tort, Wrongful Death Suit

Litchfield Cavo attorneys Andrew Sapon and Michael R. L’Homme prevailed on a summary judgment motion in a toxic tort, wrongful death case. Our New York attorneys’ favorable dismissal of claims involved exposure to asbestos through the use of cosmetic talcum powder. Plaintiff claimed the decedent’s personal use of powder over the course of decades was the primary cause of her mesothelioma. Andy and Mike successfully argued that our client was not liable as successor to the exclusive supplier of the talc used in the powder.

Our attorneys’ experience defending this mass tort case has national implications.

Andrew’s practice includes the ever-evolving asbestos litigation throughout New York, New England and across the nation. He has extensive experience handling toxic tort cases, including exposure claims to benzene, carbon monoxide, pressure-treated wood (CCA), formaldehyde, “sick building” and multiple chemical sensitivity cases.

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