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Tampa Attorney Obtains Dismissal for Federal ADA Case

Florida attorney Christopher L. Welter recently achieved dismissal in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida on behalf of a franchisee client who owns several locations of a coffee and donut shop. The case involved an alleged violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Florida Civil Rights Act.

In this civil dispute that took place in Englewood, Florida, Plaintiff, a customer at our client’s coffee and donut shop, alleged he was deprived service because he drove a golf cart through the drive-through due to his disability. Plaintiff also claimed that our client’s employee yelled at him, contending that our client practiced negligent training and supervision.

Litchfield Cavo attorney Chris Welter filed a Motion to Dismiss based upon the premise the Plaintiff’s complaint was moot, and that the Plaintiff was not entitled to any damages. Plaintiff subsequently filed a notice of voluntary dismissal and did not respond to our attorney’s Motion, nor was there a judicial ruling, and our client was granted dismissal.

Chris focuses his practice on civil litigation matters including general liability and construction defect claims. His practice includes representing business owners of both residential and commercial properties, as well as handling contract and partnership disputes.

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