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West Virginia Senior Trial Counsel Prevails in Boundary Dispute

Charleston, West Virginia Senior Trial Counsel Tonya P. Shuler recently obtained summary judgment in favor of our industrial plant and metal manufacturing client in the Circuit Court of Fayette County in a highly contested boundary dispute.

In 2022, the owners of a lot located adjacent to our client’s industrial plant entered onto the plant property claiming that they owned numerous acres of our client’s operations via an existing defective deed. In addition to claiming ownership of our client’s equipment and operations, the landowners also asserted rights to exorbitant rent payments. Following the landowners’ claim, our Senior Trial Counsel, Tonya Shuler, immediately initiated legal action to void the defective deed and reestablish the appropriate land boundaries.

Tonya Shuler aggressively defended our client’s property rights against the adjacent landowners’ unsubstantiated claims and factual allegations. The landowners also sought disclosure of irrelevant and confidential materials in discovery, resulting in several motions filed before the Circuit Court of Fayette County to protect our client’s interests. Immediately prior to the hearing on our client’s dispositive motion, the Court inadvertently disclosed our client’s non-discoverable confidential business documents. Tonya Shuler acted quickly to secure an emergency order from the Court to protect our client’s sensitive information.

In June 2024, the Circuit Court found the adjacent landowners’ deed to be void and granted summary judgment in favor of our client.

Tonya Shuler has devoted her career to the defense of corporate and industrial clients in cases before the West Virginia state and federal courts. She acts as senior trial counsel to numerous local, regional and national clients.

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