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Illinois Partner Jason Hunter to Join Webinar Panel Discussing Slip, Trip and Fall Cases

On Monday, July 15, 2019, Litchfield Cavo LLP partner Jason E. Hunter will be a panelist on a webinar entitled “Ultimate Guide to Slip, Trip and Fall Cases: Plaintiff and Defense Attorney Perspectives” from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm EST.

The event will discuss key concerns of plaintiff and defense attorneys litigating slip, trip and fall cases, including: how to evaluate liability; how to gather evidence quickly; how to reduce or eliminate liens; how to craft arguments that shift liability away from clients; how to pick a favorable jury; and, how to handle ethical issues that may arise while handling slip, trip and fall cases. While this webcast is designed for attorneys, insurance professionals and paralegals also are encouraged to attend.

Jason is a partner at Litchfield Cavo and a frequent lecturer on a wide array of litigation-related legal topics and emerging legal trends. To learn more about Jason’s practice, please contact him at 312.781.6587 or . To learn more about Litchfield Cavo’s general liability practice, please visit our website.

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