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CT Partner Discusses Executive Order Extending Statute of Limitations Due to COVID-19

Connecticut attorney Jacqueline A. Maulucci has written a new Litchfield Alert that discusses extensions of statutes of limitations on certain filings due to the ongoing COVID-19 emergency. This is not exclusive to Connecticut, in fact, most states’ courts have executive orders signed by their governors that have suspended non-critical court operations and associated requirements.

In her Litchfield Alert, “COVID-19 Necessitates Tolling of Statute of Limitations for Certain Filings,” Jacqueline specifically addresses Connecticut’s Executive Order 7G, issued on March 19, 2020, by Governor Ned Lamont. To read Jacqueline’s Litchfield Alert, please click here.

Jacqueline recognizes that Order 7G does not go into detail about how much time will be extended on filing deadlines that are currently set to expire between March 19, 2020, and the date the coronavirus crisis ends. And like many other states, Connecticut has no existing precedent available to provide significant guidance.

Jacqueline Maulucci specializes in defending claims against medical professionals. Jacqueline represents nursing homes, hospitals, doctors in various specialties, nurses, dentists and physical therapists in malpractice lawsuits and in administrative proceedings with the Department of Public Health. To download a copy of this Litchfield Alert, “COVID-19 Necessitates Tolling of Statute of Limitations for Certain Filings,” click here.


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Disclaimer: Contents of this article or others on may be considered attorney advertising under the rules of certain jurisdictions. The material contained on Litchfield Cavo LLP’s website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute individualized legal advice. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.