Litchfield Cavo Honors Veteran Family Members
Mary Beth Canty, IL | Chicago Office
My great grandfather, David E. Mitchell, served in the Red Cross during World War II, and was one of few non-combatants awarded a Purple Heart. My maternal grandfather, David A. Mitchell, served in the United States Army during WWII. My paternal grandfather, Bennie L. Canty, served in the Navy during WWII and in Korea, and was awarded a Purple Heart. Benjamin K. Canty, my father, served in the U.S. Navy for 24 years and was awarded medals for Valor. Each of these individuals were my heroes, and I proudly honor each every-day hero for their service to our country each day.
Mary Beth Canty, Attorney
Donna Baker, IL | Chicago Office
I value both my niece’s, LTJG Caitlyn Strader Surface Warfare Officer, and my nephew’s, BU2 Michael Strader, military service and their decisions to make serving in the United States Navy their chosen careers. These two individuals each made a personal choice to stand up and serve our nation. Their actions embody the twin American spirits of freedom and responsibility, and I honor them both for their service to our country and for the privilege of our American citizenship.
Donna Baker, Director of Marketing & Business Development