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Litchfield Cavo Co-Sponsors 2023 MPL Association Workshop

Litchfield Cavo LLP is a co-sponsor of the 2023 Medical Professional Liability (MPL) Claims and Risk Management/Patient Safety Workshop to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from September 20-22. Chicago Partner Joseph P. Sullivan will attend workshops, meet with medical professionals, clients and colleagues, and gain additional insight on the industry’s most critical topics that confront medical liability claims, risk management and patient safety professionals. Topics to be discussed include getting into the mind of a juror; the impact of today’s audio/visual technology on patient care and claims; and, key issues in law, medicine and medical professional liability. Click here for more information about the September 2023 MPL Association Conference.

MPL Association workshops are held annually for professionals who have roles in crucial areas of medical professional liability to hear industry-leading speakers. The Association promotes, protects, educates and connects MPL insurers who support the delivery of healthcare and practice of medicine. Association members insure nearly 2 million healthcare professionals around the world, as well as hospitals and medical facilities globally.

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