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FL Attorneys Participate in American Stroke Association’s Cycle Nation Event

On June 5, 2019, Litchfield Cavo attorneys Mark Atlas, Andrew Connell Jr., Daniel Gomez and Erika Streim participated in the American Stroke Association’s CycleBar event in Boca Raton, Florida. This local event surpassed its fundraising goal and raised more than $155,000 for the organization.

Click the thumbnails below to view photos of our partners at their local fundraising event.

The American Stroke Association collaborates with CycleBar and hosts classes throughout the country to fund life-saving stroke and heart disease research. The organization teams with millions of volunteers to prevent and treat stroke by funding innovative research, fighting for stronger public health policies and providing lifesaving tools and information. To learn more about this event or become involved, visit their website or call 1.888.4STROKE.

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