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Illinois Attorneys Successfully Vacate Default Judgment Due to Evidence of Improper Service

Chicago attorneys Nicholas J. Parolisi, Jr. and Inessa S. Holly successful vacated a default judgment entered against one of the Litchfield Cavo corporate defendants.

Nick and Inessa were engaged to oppose a citation to discover assets after the plaintiff was awarded an amount following a prove-up hearing on a default judgment. During briefing on the motion, our attorneys developed evidence that the plaintiff’s process server obtained service on a family member of the client’s registered agent.

Based on this evidence, our attorneys argued that the plaintiff’s default judgment was void because the Court did not have personal jurisdiction over our client, a leading provider of interactive party rentals, based on failure to obtain proper service on our client’s registered agent. It was our attorneys’ position that plaintiff’s substitute service on our client’s registered agent’s family member was improper under Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, sec. 2-204. The Cook County Circuit Court judge agreed and vacated the default judgment against our client.

Nick has extensive experience defending clients in cases involving products liability, foodborne illness outbreaks and recalls, construction defects, trucking liability, professional liability, toxic tort and environmental remediation.

Inessa focuses her defense litigation practice on personal injury, wrongful death, construction negligence and toxic claims. She defends manufacturers and distributors, contractors and tradesmen in actions alleging injuries or property damage. Inessa’s representative experience includes defective products, construction defects, motor vehicle accidents and other casualties.

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