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Wisconsin Attorneys Win Defense Verdict for Condominium Association

Litchfield Cavo LLP Wisconsin attorneys John L. Pollock and Ericka A. Hammett obtained a defense verdict for our client, a resort condominium association. The plaintiffs, a small group of condominium owners, filed suit against our client in the Door County Circuit Court to invalidate certain condominium regulations on the grounds of their private renter status and disaffiliation with the condominium association’s rental management company.

Specifically, the plaintiffs sought a declaratory judgment invalidating certain regulations concerning housekeeping services and check-in/check-out procedures. The owner plaintiffs also sought exemption from a regulation requiring proof that they were obtaining business insurance and paying all applicable sales and room taxes. Another regulation at issue concerned the association’s ability to check the temperature of units without owners present.

John and Ericka argued that the condominium association regulations at issue were reasonable, properly adopted and did not violate the condominium declaration or Wisconsin law. Following a three-day trial, a verdict was returned in favor of the condominium association.

For additional information on Litchfield Cavo’s real estate defense practice please click here. To learn more about cases involving premises matters and condominium law in Wisconsin, please contact John Pollock at 414.488.1839 or Ericka Hammett at 414.488.1835.

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