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Litchfield Cavo Celebrates Women’s History Month and Supports #EmbraceEquity

Women’s History Month is recognized nationwide throughout March, and commemorates the vital role of women in history. International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global holiday that is recognized annually on March 8, and celebrates the achievements of women, raises awareness for equality and calls for positive change. The goal of this year’s IWD theme, #EmbraceEquity, is to inspire conversations about why “equal opportunities are no longer enough.” To learn more about the 2023 theme, click here.

In honor of Women’s History Month and IWD, Litchfield Cavo’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee hosted a virtual, Firm-wide presentation on Thursday, March 9. This special presentation featured two accomplished judges, the Honorable Barbara Jaffe (ret.), Supreme Court, New York County, and the Honorable Melody Wilkinson, 17th District Court in Fort Worth, Texas. During the discussion, the Judges’ discussed topics including the role sexual identification and gender plays in the court system, identifying and addressing inequities in the courtroom, how gender roles have impacted Judge Jaffe and Judge Wilkinson’s career paths, and advice for female attorneys. New York Partners Dana M. Catanzaro and Anna M. Hadjitheodosiou moderated the discussion, and Texas Attorneys E. R. Hamilton and Nathan D. Pearman provided assistance during the presentation.

Litchfield Cavo recognizes the importance of an ongoing commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We strive to create an equitable work environment that appreciates each individual’s contributions to our Firm’s community, and fosters a more diverse, inclusive talent force. To learn more about Litchfield Cavo’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, click here.

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